Saturday, March 24, 2007

Swirl hat is done

WTF, a FO? I can't believe I actually finished something: last night I completed the knitting for the swirl hat Chris commissioned. It's not finished finished as I still have to weave in the ends from all the color changes, figure out what sort of silly adornments are to be put on and finally block the whole thing. But the bulk of it is done. Whew. That feels good.

Next, I need to conquer that Viking scarf. I feel like I've been regressing lately with all these small projects, but I guess I'm only doing what I can. Yeah, I'm still working on the pictures, too. (See my warning label: it reads "procrastinator")

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Meaningless stitches

Lately, life has been pretty rough. And that's putting it mildly. Since I came back from my trip to Victoria, I started taking classes at William and Mary. Human physiology and the lab, to be precise. The class isn't so hard, but it certainly takes up a lot of time driving back and forth to Williamsburg from Gloucester Point. Juggling that with a full time job has taken some adjustment. Not too long ago I got through my first test and realize that I'll have to learn to study at an undergraduate level despite my Master's degree. I've been stressing myself out unnecessarily. And because of all this extra activity, knitting has been almost nonexistant in my life. I finally managed to get to my first knit group meeting in about a month last night, and I even squeezed in a post to my blog, which has been sorely neglected.

In terms of actual knitting done, I've been able to put a few rows on my Viking cable scarf most Fridays at lunch, and progress on Chris' hat has been glacial at best. All my other projects have been languishing, collecting a fine layer of dust. Sadly, knitting isn't the solace for me that it once was. I'm not motivated to finish anything. I've even considered selling off some of my stash on eBay so I can stop being broke. No Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival this year either. Partly because I don't need to spend money I don't have on yarn I won't work up for years, and partly because the Festival is during finals week for me. Grr.

Here's to hoping a few positive things come my way in the very near future. I could really use a pick me up.